Creating LGBTQIA Community in Madison County, NY

The goal of the Madison County LGBTQIA Network is to enhance the supports and resources that currently exist, to identify gaps and needs for services, and to bring together the community to raise awareness, increase support and reduce isolation.

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With support from the CNY Community Foundation, an LGBTQIA Network was formed in 2017 in Madison County. Housed at BRiDGES, the Madison County LGBTQIA Network is a resource for LGBTQIA individuals and groups and their allies. The goal of the Madison County LGBTQIA Network is to enhance the supports and resources that currently exist, to identify gaps and needs for services, and to bring together the community to raise awareness, increase support and reduce isolation.

upcoming events

our mission

The Madison County LGBTQIA Network began a Pride Project in 2021 providing Pride flags for local businesses around the county and creating a map of participating businesses, to increase visibility and connect LGBTQIA people in our county with supportive businesses and organizations. Each year, we have expanded our Pride Project to include more Madison County businesses and organizations, and we have even created Items with our logo to be dispersed at participating locations.

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